Thursday, May 8, 2008

Official Women Abuse

In clamouring for gender equity and equality in all walks of life, some establishment especially the private sector have tend to abuse that phrase. In the name of giving women the chance, they subject them (women) to some dehumanised act. Let's look at some of these actions being taken by some organisation against women:

more women are marketers, and they given outrageous target to meet within a short period.

mistress to their boss without which they are denied promotion as at when due.

Women are made as second class citizen in their offices as result of their sex.

There are many more actions taken against women which will be discuss on a later date.


SERAC said...

Good writing on gender and gender related issues.

Women should not be relegated to the background, they should be heard in every sense of the word.

The Activist said...

Another gender activist!!! Welcome to the club